
Treasure Hunting Trip at Sadie Olive

If you are in the mood for a romantic treasure hunting trip, Sadie Olive is the place I would like to take you.  You could find as such serenity as a breeze from ocean, soft sun light coming through lacy leaves of  trees in a backyard in the photography of decorative antique pieces selected by the shop owner, Sara Dukett.

もしもロマンティックな宝探しに出たい気持ちになったなら?Sadie OliveSara Dukettによって選ばれたアンティーク小物の写真は、まるで海岸沿いの心地よい風や裏庭にある樹々の葉から漏れるレースの光に出逢ったときの様な感覚をはこんで来てくれます。Webデザインも手掛けるSaraがセレクトするアイテムはすべて撮影の小道具(=Propping Itemsプロッピング・アイテム)としても活躍する小物たち。もし部屋の中に招き入れたら・・・・・・そこに秘められた深い時間が、丁寧に描かれた絵画の様な空気を創ってくれそうです。

From Left Crockwise; "antique vanity mirror," "limoges floral plate, "broadway tea party,"
"knowles platter(Edwin M. Knowles China Co. (1900 to 1962)"
左から時計回りに:「ヴァニティ・ミラー」・「花柄プレート(Limoges China Co, Sebring, Ohio, USA)」・「ブロードウェイ・ティーパーティ」茶器セット(Japan)・
「オーバル花柄プレート(Edwin M. Knowles China Co. (1900 to 1962)」

From Left Crockwise; "salvaged metal grate," "3 religious pin," "french playing cards,""austrian butter pats"
ボウル」。宗教モチーフピンの一番大きなサイズのバッチには「Marie De L'Incarnation」、小さなバッチには「Mother Cabrini」という

"How to Enjoy Paris" (1926-1927) 『パリの楽しみ方』(1926~27年発刊)


" The Old Maids' Club". published for use by schools in the early 1900's U.S.A.

"Life Illustrated," inside cover reads: "presented to John E Jacobs by his teacher S.C. Baker.
美しいバイオレットカラーの表紙カバーの裏には「John E Jacobsに贈る、彼の師S.C.Bakerより」と


"dodo" by E.F.Benson (1867 -1940), an English novelist, biographer, memoirist and short story writer. 
I love the red floral graphic on the cover and the way Sara made it stand straight up on the table for the impact of picture.

"vintage book of nursery and Mother Goose rhymes by Marguerite de Angeli"


       Q: What is this?

Answer: "nut meat chopper/grinder"

"What about this one?"

                                                        "tarnished silver plate cigarette holder"


-Alphabet Cushion by QINUCO-

"What if things happen in alphabetical order?"

    "Maybe not.  How about we make things happen by picking up the words we love?"

                                                                                     "All right, then..."


QINUCO, meaning "Fabric Girl" in Japanese, weaves threads and patches fabric pieces with a happy tune.  She talks decently with her clients who orders a specific alphabet cushion.  From the conversation she picks up the rhythm to be put into the piece.  That is why all the cushions look alive and make you feel like holding them tight in your arms!


(photo: by T.H)


-"Reincarnation Project" by Ayako Morimoto / CHIEL -

I was so happy when she said “Yes.” with a light smile on her face to my proposal of exhibition work at Rincane. The first and the last chance of working together to be held at my place as I had already announced her my plan of closing the shop in following months. She quietly mentioned the theme of the exhibition as if it had been already nurtured in her mind for a long time before our conversation. It was; “Reincarnation,” the theme she would be creating a series of accessories based on, and the word landed on my heart with a genuine sense of promise contract we had been brought together to the town of Ikoma, Nara, to meet each other. I named my tearoom “Rincane” after the sound of the word “Reincarnation” hoping for the happy circulation of good times and creative inspirations incarnated among the people who come to the place. 3 years and 10 months had been past during which I met and viewed, from the tiny space of kitchen inside the tearoom, the people’s lives come and go drawing beautiful circles of spiritual growth.

“Reincarnation” Exhibition was held from January 8th to the end of the month in 2013.
Ayako lyrically expressed her interpretation of the word. One is the circle of life in nature; the moment of Camellia seed cracking its hard shell to come out to the outer world.(photo.no.1), and the withering twig holding a piece of new life for the coral made red fruit(photo no.2). Other is in the series of "Hoop." (photo no.3 ) She placed the imagery of “rondo dance” in the formation of rings bound together depicting how people’s life meet and cross over each other, and get apart to meet the next dance partner.

Photo no.1"Seed Pearl Necklace"

Photo no.2"Twig Coral Necklace"

photo no.3 "Hoop Bracelet"

Ayako has extensive knowledge about European mythology and that is where her intuition often comes from. Through her works she becomes a story teller to show us the scenic retrospections of our ancestors' times. She inherited the many of books and study materials from her master's old studio where she had learned metal casting. She never went to a school to become an artist. She just happened to come across her master’s old company’s shop one day in Osaka, took a peek curiously through the door, and ended up to work at the studio as the only one assistant for him. 10 years later the old man gave her a ring, saying “Ayako, you will succeed my company. I will retire.”

-Theme Visual designed by Ayako Morimoto (CHIEL)-

Ayako still continues the conversation with her studio master by reading these books. She loves finding out the secret of the writing notes on the pages taken by her co-workers at the old studio. The messages are reprinted in her new works of accessories and objects. It seems that incarnation of her imaginative works does not take place on her own individual thoughts. I would call it "re-incarnating" process that forms her works mirroring the plains of different times and stories.

『リンカネーション展』<2013年1月8日~31日>では、それは、山茶花の固い種がその殻を割って地上に落ちる瞬間であり(photo no.1)、枯れた小枝がまた静かに新しい生命を赤い実に宿す姿であり(photo no.2)、そして、まるでロンドが繰り返すリズムの様に、人の人生が繋がり、離れ、また寄り沿うそんな甘美な情景を映した輪(フープ)のダンスであり(photo no.3)・・・・・・想像もしていなかったストーリーを、まるで屋根裏部屋に見つけた古い書物を読み解く様な感覚で、展開して下さったのです。

Other Pictures of "Reincarnation" Accessories:

From Left: "Seed Pearl Pierce" "Hoop Pierce"  "Holly Pierce"

From Left: "Flosculus Necklace" "Blossom Pierce"  "Sylphus Pierce"

From Left: "Flesculus Pierce"  "Apatite Necklace"  "Ondine Pierce"


- Lovemae Wall Decal at Rincane -
My very first posting is about wall decals by Lovemae, whose team prodcution is based in Brays Creek, Australia.  When I first saw the Lovemae's decal piece called "tea-time" I instantly fell in love with their heart filling designs and concept. I decided to put it on the wall of my just-opened tearoom and the piece made me a conforting companion until the last minute of my work.

"tea time"
The decals by Lovemae are made of fabric, not vynil.
It makes a kind texture for the children to play with.
The stickers are removavle/reusable so it can be a
perfect toy not only for children but also for the grown-ups
as the decorating process can be as fun as playing puzzle.

2013年2月にCLOSEしたティールーム「リンカネ」にとって、特別なスパイスとなってくれていたデコレーション・アイテムがこちらのウォール・ステッカーでした(Title: "Tea Room")。オーストラリアで活動するユニット、Lovemaestoreの製品です。日本でもここ数年で大人気となったウォールステッカーですが、このチームの作るステッカーはビニル製ではなく不織布で作られているのが特徴で、子供さんにも優しい手触り。何度も簡単に貼り変えが出来るのでパズル感覚でデコレーションを楽しめます。ウォール・ステッカーは海外では「"Wall Decal"-ウォール・デキャル-」とも呼ばれ、もともと宣伝公告用のサイン(看板)に使用される為に作られたものですが近年は一般家庭のインテリア使用に色んなデザインと材質のものが出てきました。

"Tea Room" Sticker at Rincane wall

リンカネでも最後まで「Tea Room」ステッカーは、ほっとする仲間の様な存在でいてくれました。
